

The Regroup Parenting Podcast

The Newest Episode

Episode 8 - Dating Done Well

Today we are continuing our conversation on the topic of relationships and dating. What are your expectations? What are your child’s? What are God’s? Tune in as we talk straight, and navigate through some of the challenges for today’s teens and young adults as they step into the next stage of life.

Regroup Podcast

Honest Conversations for the Everyday Parent

The Regroup Podcast is meant to encourage and invite our parents back into the place of discipling their children with some practical insights from our panel. We discuss the most prevalent topics facing families, and simple ways to steward the hearts of children to mold them into the church of tomorrow!

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Episode 8 - Dating Done Well
Today we are continuing our conversation on the topic of relationships and dating. What are your expectations? What are your child’s? What are God’s? Tune in as we talk straight, and navigate through some of the challenges for today’s teens and young adults as they step into the next stage of life.

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Episode 7 - The Talk
Aug. 23.  Ryan Borkan, Tyler Golson, Kenny Engels, Jesse Gassner

Sex and relationships are not too taboo to talk about here! This week we will explore these topics through the lens of Scripture as the guys set out to help us see these ideas as supernatural and spiritual, and not merely part of nature. Let’s step in together and look at how God calls us to parent in preparation for our kids eventually having families of their own  

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Episode 6 - Feed My Lambs
Aug 9, 2024  •  Ryan Borkan, Tyler Golson, Kenny Engels
One of the most important aspects of parenting is shepherding the hearts of our kids. From infancy to eighteen, and even beyond, this crucial component seems to be ever changing in look, but not necessity. Check out this week’s episode, as the guys dive into this topic, and how they’ve seen it play out in their families.

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Episode 5 - Tech Talk Pt. 2
Jul 26, 2024  •  Adam Calabrese, Kenny Engels, Ryan Borkan
This is the second of a two-part talk on the topic of technology and family with special guest Adam Calabrese. We will laugh, freak out a little, and hopefully leave you with some practical pieces to take home.

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Episode 4 - Tech Talk
Jul 6, 2024  •  Adam Calabrese, Kenny Engels, Ryan Borkan
This is the first of a two part talk on the topic of technology and family with special guest Adam Calabrese. We will laugh, freak out a little, and hopefully leave you with some practical pieces to take home.

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Episode 3 - The People Who Impact
Jun 28, 2024  •  Kenny Engels, Tyler Golson, Chad and Bonnie MacDonald
This week we are joined by some special guests as we talk through the topic of friendship. No matter the stage of life our kids are in, who they hang around has a real impact on the people they become. So, how do we as parents help guide them while also developing independence and responsibility in this area? Check out this week’s episode as we navigate, discuss, and glean from one another!

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Episode 2 - Navigating the Blind Spots
Jun 14, 2024
While parents would love to have all the answers, the fact remains there are just some blind spots when it comes to life and family. Join us this week as we navigate how to handle these blind spots in a way that builds our family and bolsters our parenting.

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Episode 1 - Time Well Spent
May 31, 2024
Our very first episode of Regroup takes a look at the infamous jar of beads and how it conveys the importance of intentional parenting with a limited amount of time.

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