You were created for community.

In fact, part of our vision as a church is "Connecting People to People" in Godly community. One of the main ways we find and experience Godly community is in the context of a smallGROUP. A smallGROUP usually consists of about 8 -12 people who meet regularly, spend time together, study God’s Word, and pray.
Our smallGROUPS meet in homes and businesses around the Chattanooga area, on various days of the week, making it simple to find a group that’s convenient for you!
We offer groups specifically for men, women, married couples, as well as general groups that are open to anyone.
Our smallGROUPS operate on a seasonal basis with two 'seasons' per year: Spring Groups (January - May) and Fall Groups (August - December). These seasons launch in tandem with our groupSTART event where anyone looking to be part of a new smallGROUP can easily register. In the summer months we have a collection of fun, one-time activities under our "Surround Summers" initiative.
Our smallGROUPS meet in homes and businesses around the Chattanooga area, on various days of the week, making it simple to find a group that’s convenient for you!
We offer groups specifically for men, women, married couples, as well as general groups that are open to anyone.
Our smallGROUPS operate on a seasonal basis with two 'seasons' per year: Spring Groups (January - May) and Fall Groups (August - December). These seasons launch in tandem with our groupSTART event where anyone looking to be part of a new smallGROUP can easily register. In the summer months we have a collection of fun, one-time activities under our "Surround Summers" initiative.
groupFINDER is now open! Please click the link below to see where you can get plugged into a smallGROUP that would be a good fit for you!
Questions? Email us:
Do you have questions about an existing group or an upcoming GroupStart event? Click the button below to email our team. Are you trying to find the pilot episode for "The Group"? Click here to watch it now.